Getting Started Catriona Barry Getting Started Catriona Barry

Introduction to Chordwalk

ChordWalk, based on US Patent 10614786 (April 7, 2020) and improvement application PTIE20220000000449, is a versatile software for Windows, Mac, iPad, and iPhone. It simplifies music composition and performance, catering to users from beginners to advanced musicians, regardless of their music theory knowledge.

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Getting Started Catriona Barry Getting Started Catriona Barry

Getting Started

ChordWalk is not a DAW (Digital Audio Workstation). Instead, it sends MIDI data streams to a locally running DAW, an externally connected device with a DAW, or any MIDI device capable of playing MIDI instrument sounds. ChordWalk can also play locally installed SoundFonts.

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Metronome, Getting Started Catriona Barry Metronome, Getting Started Catriona Barry


The selected Tempo is represented as a beat indicator scrolling across the bars to advise the Creator of their exact position in the composition structure in real-time. It is also important for the creator/performer to know where the beat is relative to the downbeat. The ChordWalk Metronome advises the current beat position relative to bar number and downbeat position.

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