Chain mode

Now that you have added patterns and flavors to individual notes, you can play these note flavors in different modes. Two mode selections are available, allowing you to change the playing cycles for the individual note flavors.

The first mode is Chain Mode. When a note has the Chain/Alternate icon selected, the Arpeggiator will play all active notes within the pane before moving to the next Note Order position. An indicator shows when a note in the pattern is active.

The following image shows a simple pattern of note flavors, followed by a chart that displays the sequence of individual notes played with Chain Mode selected.

The image features a single arpeggiator with a “C major triad chord” selected, an “UP” play pattern, and both Volume and Gate set at 100%.

Pattern setup in the image above: Default 1/8 Note.

  • Note Order 1 “C” Note, Five Flavours.  1/8, 1/8, 1/8, 1/16, 1/16.

  • Note Order 2 “E” Note, Four Flavours.  1/16, 1/16. 1/16, 1/16.

  • Note Order 3 “G” Note, Two Flavours.  1/8, 1/8,


Arpeggio Rhythmic Pattern Sequencer Level 3


Alternate Mode Arpeggiation