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Introduction to Music Theory
Music theory can be a daunting and overwhelming topic. But it doesn't have to be that way. We break down the fundamental concepts of music theory in a way that's accessible and enjoyable. Whether you're a beginner who's never picked up an instrument before, or an experienced musician looking to deepen your understanding of music theory, we provide a clear and concise roadmap to help you master the basics.
Lesson 18: Musical Keys
When you hum or sing a song at a higher or lower pitch, you instinctively maintain the corresponding intervals between the start note and all the following notes across each pitch change.
When you change a song to a higher or lower pitch, you use a technique known as transposition - you are transposing the composition to different keys.
Lesson 17: Black keyboard positions: Sharps ♯ and flats ♭.
As the major scale pattern template ensures that the notes maintain their relative positions as we move the tonic note position up or down, the black note positions will come into play prominently. Each note can move forward or backwards one position from its natural white position.