Individual Arp Settings and Controls


Start with basic settings on a single Arpeggiator pane in ChordWalk, then experiment with note patterns, octaves, and step settings, and route outputs to multiple MIDI destinations for varied and interactive arpeggio creation.

When the “Open New Arp” is selected in the Master Control Area above, you are presented with an Individual Arpeggio Pane as shown below.

Let's explore the settings and controls for an individual Arpeggiator pane and start playing sounds using a single Arp. Remember, less is often more. We'll begin with basic settings and controls, introducing advanced features as we progress.

The image below may seem complex, but the settings are easy to understand and adjust interactively. We'll guide you through each setting, control, and adjustment.

To start, enable the Arpeggiator by selecting the Enable button, then choose either Piano or Guitar chord voicing.
Keep it simple:

  1. Select ¼ note steps.

  2. Choose Octave C3.

  3. Set Gate to 100%.

  4. Set Note Pattern to Up.

  5. Set Volume to 100%.

  6. Ensure Transpose is disabled.

The selected chord will now arpeggiate in an UP pattern based on these settings. Experiment with these settings to get familiar with chord changes and the resulting Arp sound patterns.

Note: If you have multiple SoundFonts and external MIDI devices connected, you can route the Arpeggiator output to any or all MIDI destinations. By default, it routes to all destinations.


Arpeggiator Main Control Panel


Arpeggio Individual Note Settings - Level 2