Creating Virtual Loopback MIDI-Ports

To create Virtual loopback MIDI-ports quickly and easily download and instal loopMIDI from the following link:

loopMIDI | Tobias Erichsen (

This is a small program that is simple to install and set up. It is safe to install from a reputable source.

We will show how to configure loopMIDI to enable you to route individual Arpeggiators, Chord selections, and virtual instruments in ChordWalk to individual virtual instrument channels of your DAW. This routing selection option facilitates real-time control of Chord selection, instrument note selection and patterns, and note sequenced changes and adjustments for individual virtual instrument Tracks of your DAW.

Below is the loopMIDI setup screen with six loopback Virtual MIDI ports created.

  • When you install loopMIDI, it will display one Port name as a default.

  • You can add more Virtual loopback Ports by selecting the + and assigning a Name, as highlighted below.

  • Five or six ports should be sufficient for most creative endeavours. In the image below, the ports are named as Ports 1 to 6.

  • Note: Enter the Port name First before selecting the + sign.

  • You can delete a port by selecting the – sign.

When running ChordWalk with your DAW on a single Windows PC, your workflow productivity will greatly improve if you use two screens configured in Extended Mode.

You can display ChordWalk on one screen and your DAW on the other. You can move your pointing device seamlessly between the two applications for all selections, adjustments and controls. The creative experience of using two screens with ChordWalk running with your DAW will be life-changing.

Once you have setup your virtual loopback ports, they will be identified by both ChordWalk and by your DAW for routing and selection purposes. When you DAW is running and you setup a new port in loopMIDI you may have to restart your DAW for it to recognise the added Port.

In ChordWalk, the Virtual Ports will be displayed in the main MIDI Devices Routing menu and in the routing dropdown menu in the individual Arpeggiator areas, in the Chord Selection area, and in the selected Virtual Instruments areas. See below.  

ChordWalk Virtual Instrument playing area showing MIDI Device Routing selection dropdown menu displaying the Virtual loopback ports available for routing path

Arpeggiator Areas showing MIDI Device Routing selections displaying Virtual loopback Port 1 to 6 assignable to individual Arpeggiators.

Chord Selection Routing Virtual loopback selection showing the assignment to Ports 1 to 6.

In the setup below, the Chord Selection MIDI output will be routed to all Ports. All ports selection overrides individual selections. All devices selection includes Ports 4 and 6 which are individually selected.

Note: Be careful that “All Devices” selection is not active when you wish to select individual port destinations.


ChordWalk and a DAW running together on a Windows PC


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