Adding Play Patterns to Individual Notes Level 3

We will now explore the advanced controls and settings for individual notes within an Arpeggiator. Click the expand icon next to the note area labeled “Note Pattern Settings.” This will expand the note pane, allowing you to set up additional steps with various settings, controls, and adjustments to create patterns and sequences for each note of the arpeggio.

In the adjust note play settings window, when you select the “Note Pattern Settings” button, the pane for that note expands. This lets you configure patterns and sequences for the note, which the Arpeggiator will apply.

The numeric value displayed on the left of each pane indicates the order in which the note is played in the arpeggio. You can change the Note Play Order using the dropdown menu associated with each numeric position.

Remember: With Piano selected, you can choose triads or seventh chords, meaning there can be up to four notes in the note order. Four to six notes can be displayed in note order for guitar chord selection.

TIP: To create a strong, thumping beat on one Arpeggiator, setting the Arpeggiator to Piano selection is recommended. This will produce a continuous, repeated beat at the selected step rate. Adjusting the Gate value is also recommended when creating a strong beat.


Play selected Chords with Arps


Arpeggio Rhythmic Pattern Sequencer Level 3