Lesson 16: Major Scale Patterns

Now that we have introduced intervals, we will examine the major scale patterns and apply them in practice.

We will develop a major scale pattern template using the semitone interval separating each of the white note positions, starting and ending at the C note.

This template will ensure that the frequency ratio between adjacent notes is maintained when moving up or down to a new Tonic position.


Using the semitone interval separating each of the white note positions, starting and ending at the C note, we will develop a major scale pattern template.

  1. Play

  2. Skip

  3. Play

  4. Skip

  5. Play

  6. Play

  7. Skip

  8. Play

  9. Skip

  10. Play

  11. Skip

  12. Play

  13. Play


Lesson 17: Black keyboard positions: Sharps ♯ and flats ♭.


Lesson 15: Large Interval Names